
16 Tricky People Who Exploited Loopholes To Pull One Over On Greedy Corporations, Mean Landlords, And Other Jerks


“In a month and a half, I would have had 20 years with my company and become fully vested in the retirement system. But then I received notification that I was being terminated in four weeks. They gave a couple of reasons for it, but I knew the real reason. The new president of the company used to be the general manager of an operating unit for which I’d been called in to fix a production issue (I worked for corporate as a ‘firefighter’). I fixed the issue in three days and gave him a full report. He offered me a job. Now, remember, I was part of the corporate staff, but he was offering me a position in an operating unit. It was kind of a step down, and only a 4% raise was involved. I respectfully declined the offer — and my corporate boss was so happy that I was staying that I got a 22% raise!”

“Well, the general manager was named president, and he went through his list of people who had crossed him. I was way down on his list, but I was still on the list. So was my boss. But my boss was old enough to retire comfortably. I was 45 and nowhere near retirement age, and now it seemed like I was going to be screwed out of my pension.

A friend who happened to have some HR experience heard I was being let go and gave me some pointers. I called the head of HR and asked if my position was being eliminated or if I was being terminated. I was told that the position was being eliminated. That was very important information because, according to the law of my state, a person being terminated must be given two to four weeks’ notice. However, if the position is being eliminated, then the person must be given no less than eight weeks’ notice. Hmmmm.

Apparently, HR realized what I was asking, did some research, and called me back, saying that they were giving me those eight weeks, which meant I would reach 20 years and collect my full pension.

Fortunately, I was in good standing with HR. After all, we worked in the same office for many years. I was also given a year’s severance pay. Cool, I could now coast for a year.”

Tom C., Quora

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