
These adorable critters are totally illegal in California

(KTLA) – Thanks to social media, children across the United States are begging their parents to get them an exotic new pet.

Axolotls, or Ambystoma mexicanum, are the new superstars of the amphibian world.

These salamanders are native to a single lake in Mexico City, Lake Xochimilco, and are famous for their smiling appearance and incredible ability to regrow lost body parts.

Axolotls are classified as critically endangered and nearly went extinct a few years ago. Despite that, a handful of U.S. states allow them as pets, including Texas, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina.

California, however, is not one of them.

So why the ban? California has fairly strict rules to protect local ecosystems and prevent non-native species from causing havoc.

“If released into the wild, axolotls have the potential to easily outcompete already struggling native salamander species, such as the California tiger salamander and the Eastern tiger salamander,” Axolotl Central points out.

California isn’t alone.

Axolotls are also illegal in Maine, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. In Hawaii and New Mexico, you can own them, but you need a special permit.

For those who can legally keep them as pets, they’re considered to be low-maintenance with engaging personalities.

Their regenerative abilities also make them a hot topic for scientists. Studies are looking into how their amazing healing powers could help treat human injuries and diseases.

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